NASEO and the New Buildings Institute (NBI) are collaborating on a zero-net energy (ZNE) buildings initiative.  Together, NASEO and NBI are collecting ZNE projects and policies to share with policymakers, building owners and designers, and others in the buildings sector who want to advance ZNE practices.  

A recent NBI-NASEO report, "Getting to Zero Status Update: A First Look at the Costs and Features of Zero Energy Commercial Buildings," explores characteristics, incremental costs, and design features of ZNE buildings, which generate as much renewable energy onsite over the course of a year as the total amount of energy they used that year. The report demonstrates that zero energy buildings are achievable and feasible with current technologies and that incremental costs are within a reasonable range.  

On October 16, 2012, NASEO, in partnership with NBI and Resource Media, convened state and local government officials and energy efficiency advocates in Arlington, Virginia, around advancing ZNE building policies and practices.  There was broad acknowledgement that the time is right for states and cities to take the lead in setting a vision for ZNE building policies and programs.  One path is to set up a framework -- or ZNE Action Plan -- to leverage proven mechanisms and approaches, such as building energy codes, incentives, design programs, benchmarking and disclosure rules, appliance standards, and other tools.  Ultimately, the implementation of such a plan would promote cost effective, deep energy efficiency and, where feasible, renewable energy measures for newly constructed and renovated buildings.

To learn more about NASEO’s ZNE activities and to learn how your state can become a partner in this effort, please contact Ed Carley at